Web Programming  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In making the web, then you will not regardless of what programming language name. Programming language is a technique of command / instruction standards to govern the computer.
Here is an explanation of any programming language used to create a website:

HTML Programming Languages

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to create a web page and displays various information in an Internet browser.
HTML is now an Internet standard defined and controlled use by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
HTML form tag code that instructs the browser to produce a display according to the desired.
A file is an HTML file can be opened by using a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

PHP Programming Language

PHP is a scripting programming language most widely used today.
PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. At that time, PHP was named FI (Form Interpreted), which is his form of a set of scripts used to process the form data from the web.
PHP is widely used to create dynamic web sites, although it was likely used for other usage.
PHP generally runs on the Linux operating system (PHP can also be run with Windows hosting). Keep reading

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The Shellcoder Handbook  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

This much-anticipated revision, written by the ultimate group of top security experts in the world, features 40 percent new content on how to find security holes in any operating system or application
New material addresses the many new exploitation techniques that have been discovered since the first edition, including attacking "unbreakable" software packages such as McAfee's Entercept, Mac OS X, XP, Office 2003, and Vista
Also features the first-ever published information on exploiting Cisco's IOS, with content that has never before been explored
The companion Web site features downloadable code files
The black hats have kept up with security enhancements. Have you?
In the technological arena, three years is a lifetime. Since the first edition of this book was published in 2004, built-in security measures on compilers and operating systems have become commonplace, but are still far from perfect. Arbitrary-code execution vulnerabilities still allow attackers to run code of their choice on your system—with disastrous results.
In a nutshell, this book is about code and data and what happens when the two become confused. You'll work with the basic building blocks of security bugs—assembler, source code, the stack, the heap, and so on. You'll experiment, explore, and understand the systems you're running and how to better protect them.
Become familiar with security holes in Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Cisco's IOS
Learn how to write customized tools to protect your systems, not just how to use ready-made ones
Use a working exploit to verify your assessment when auditing a network
Use proof-of-concept exploits to rate the significance of bugs in software you're developing
Assess the quality of purchased security products by performing penetration tests based on the information in this book
Understand how bugs are found and how exploits work at the lowest level

Download The Shellcoder Handbook


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Beware Jynx Rootkit  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jynx Kit is a LD_PRELOAD userland rootkit. Fully undetectable from chkrootkit and rootkithunter. Includes magic packet SSL reverse back connect shell based on SEQ/ACK numbers in a single packet. Solid building block for further LD_PRELOAD rootkits.

Download the source code, here


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IE Cookiejacking  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Computer security researchers found a cookie file that can steal important data from the contents of the computer. Recently discovered in Internet Explorer software.
Cookiejacking could open up important data from Facebook, Twitter and Gmail, or other data from the service on the internet. But Microsoft has not committed when the importance of this attack. A little knowledge about the function of the software cookie file of your browser.

What is a Cookie. A file containing the small data created by the application or browser software. Cookie files store information from the site and account data sites.

What is Cookiejacking. A technique to break through and pass through the sieve of the Internet Explorer security. So the attack can take data in IE cookies that should not be read or taken by someone else.

What are the risks. Cookies are recorded in the file by the browser software as the data is less valuable. But if you go to a site Facebook, Google and Gmail. Your account data is in the Cookie. If the computer has been infected Cookiejacking, then your data could be stolen.

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Malware Mobile Attacks  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The amount of malware that attack mobile devices increased by 273 percent since the same period last year. Malware can infect many operating systems, is the type most commonly found today.
A lot of malware is designed to make spamming, or sending an SMS without the permission of the owner’s

the perpetrators of most still use the backdoor, spy programs and SMS service to attack their victims. Currently we see much potential risk for mobile devices and users. cybercrime trends by using malware for mobile will continue. Keep reading

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iScanner Detect and Remove Malicious Codes Tools  

Sunday, October 2, 2011

iScanner is a free open source tool lets you detect and remove malicious codes and web page malwares from your website easily and automatically. iScanner will not only show you the infected files in your server but it's also able to clean these files by removing the malware code ONLY from the infected files.

Current Features:
Ability to scan one file, directory or remote web page / website.
Detect and remove website malwares and malicious code in web pages. This include hidden iframe tags, javascript, vbscript, activex objects, suspicious PHP codes and some known malwares.Extensive log shows the infected files and the malicious code.

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