Be carefull Fake Antivirus on Firefox  

Saturday, June 18, 2011

For Firefox browser users be careful when you get a message on the browser. That your computer system needs to be updated. Of special interest to the layman with a computer to see updates and direct click.
Microsoft software update usually comes from the Internet Explorer browser and not from outside Microsoft’s software.

Display the Microsoft website was created as closely as possible to fool a lot of casualties.

Files that are downloaded at 2.8MB is malware that will infect your computer. Be careful, do not get stuck this new technique

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Fake Antivirus on Facebook  

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fake antivirus is still the target to the user facebook. To be directed to a specific site and download a fake antivirus.

The subject is made interesting emails like “IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn Exclusive Rape Videos – Black lady under attack!”dab “oh shit, one more really Freaky video O_O”. And much more fake links that trap.
Some links will link to another site that is Last name not be placed at sites in India, but the server is located in the state of Lithuania.

If you want to view streaming video content with the name of the Youtube site. We recommend that you check the link given before becoming a victim of fraudsters on the internet.

When this target is not the dominance of anti-counterfeit computer users of Windows OS, but Apple’s Mac becomes a target.

Researcher’s security said in the 16 hours of the attack. Up notable to block dangerous links and keep spreading. Though the name of the topic or subject of the link has not changed, and continues to appear on Facebook pages.

Better be careful, before you bothered because one click and fake antivirus warning appears on the screen of your computer.
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