How to Upgrade Backtrack 5  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

After BackTrack 5 R1 released, BackTrack is time to upgrade from 5. by using a short python script, we can already use BackTrack 5 R1 without having to re-download.
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Fake CCleaner  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Now the official software used deceptive means to ask for money to register the software.

CCleaner is a free utility, and charged $ 24.95 for full version or premium. This software is used as a means of cheating by asking for cheaper registration costs $ 5. Ccsetup303.exe file is a fake software, will ask for registration fee to activate.

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Malware Spread Via Internet  

Monday, August 8, 2011

Engineers from the company Google found about 1 million computers attacked by Search Hijack. When looking for data on the internet, the browser will be directed by malware is lurking. This type of attack has occurred approximately 1 year.

Google today added another layer of protection from searches on Then give a warning to the owner of the computer at page, that the computer contained malware.

Finding it may be easier, but more difficult to clean. Computer users should always update your antivirus and clean the computer if already infected.

Generally links are hijacked by malware will be thrown back to specific sites such as porn sites, fake antivirus, other malware and other sites.
Google can only help to inform the user’s computer from the page. The rest handed over ownership to clean up computer

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